Kingdom Ambassadors
A kingdom ambassador are those who have discovered their place of influence in the world and they are doing everything around the clock to ensure it get fulfilled.
(Consistency) is key to fulfill our Kingdom mandate. Keep this in mind has we explored today possessing a kingdom mindset to fulfilling our calling.
Having the right circle, the right people and being around the kingdom minded individuals will help you fulfill your calling.
Let us understand that Jesus need 12 disciple he position himself to find them. The character of each disciple also have a lot to do with Christ fulfilling his calling.
I am always amazed by the person of Nathanael his character. He knew Jesus he was a man in whom no guile (no wrong) was found. I want to share this with us family that.
Nathanael knew Jesus when he saw him for the first time. He was a prayerful man who prayed to God that when Messiah comes he will find him under the fig tree. He was a man who was devoted to the coming of messiah and he does not want to miss the opportunity to walk and work with Jesus. Please read John 1vs 45 -51 it will bless you.
Listen many people want to do the work but they lack the consistency in their walk with Christ.
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